MOIN is an online overseas remittance service that helps you transfer money abroad faster and cheaper. They provide services at up to 90% lower service fees than general banks and help you transfer money faster. They currently service 47 countries, including Japan/China/Europe/UK/USA/Canada/Singapore/Australia.

Discount on overseas remittance fees for ISIC holders

MOIN provides students going abroad with discounts on overseas remittance service fees to reduce the burden.


(Japan 1.14%1%, China 1.2%→1%, Australia ₩1,000→₩0, USA ₩2,000→₩0, Canada/Singapore/Europe/UK/Hong Kong ₩5,000→₩0)


Benefits of MOIN

  1. Low commission
    • The transfer method, which does not go through transit banks, offers up to 90% less commission compared to commercial banks.
    • If you are verified as a student, the remittance fee to Japan is saved up to 11,000 won, and the remittance fee to other countries is 0 won.
  2. Quick and easy remittance within five minutes
  3. Real-time fee comparison 
    • Compare fees with other banks in real-time.
    • The exchange rate changes every 10 minutes, so you can apply for remittance immediately when it is the cheapest.
  4. Transfer anytime, anywhere based on the web and app
  5. Convenient alarm service (for both the remitter and the payee to feel safe, we will send you a text message to inform you of the progress of the remittance).


Prove your student status using the ISIC and get discount benefits on overseas remittance services fees!


How to get a discount with an ISIC card


① Click 'Get Discount Online' below. Click '지금 인증하고 할인 받기' and select a country where you study abroad and school.



② Agree to collect personal information.


③ Select 'I have no school email' from the email option. Enter your email and upload a photo of an ISIC card.

④ Once the student authentication is complete, a verification link will be sent to the email address you entered. After signing up or logging in through the verification link, you can remit money at a discounted fee.



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